Effects of nutrient addition on polyphenol and nutrient concentrations in leaves of woody species of a savanna woodland in Central Brazil
We investigated whether changes in nutrient availability affected N, P, S and polyphenol concentrations in different leaf-development stages of three brevideciduous and three evergreen
dominant woody species in a nutrient-limited savanna woodland in Central Brazil.
Treatments included eight years of annual fertilization with 100 kg ha−1 of N, P, N plus P
and control, each replicated in four randomized 15 × 15-m plots. All species increased
S concentrations (minimum 28%) in young and mature leaves in fertilized plots. Dalbergia
miscolobium decreased total phenol concentrations with P (−34.3%, −23.7%) and NP fertilization (−28.2%, −17.1%). Blepharocalyx salicifolius increased total phenol (27.6%, 18.8%) and
tannin (46.3%; 43.5%) in P fertilized and increased total phenol (33.9%) and tannin (27.8%,
43.5%) in NP fertilized plots. Total phenol concentration decreased with leaf age in Ouratea
hexasperma, Styrax ferrugineus and Blepharocalyx salicifolius, which also decreased tannin
concentration with leaf age. For all treatments, brevideciduous species had higher N, P,
total phenols and tannin concentrations and lower S concentration than evergreens. These
differences between phenological groups suggest that tropical ecosystems responses to
environmental changes are more complex than anticipated by global vegetation models, with
consequences for predictions in ecosystem functions and resilience.
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Tamiel Khan Baiocchi Jacobson | Mercedes Maria da Cunha Bustamante
Cambridge University Press
Biogeochemistry | Brazilian savanna | Eutrophication | Fertilization | Leaf age
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Journal of Tropical Ecology
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